Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Asking for help is the hardest....

It is true....Asking for help has to be one of the hardest things to do. And last night I did just that. I asked a family friend named Jesse who does personal training to help me lose all this weight I have gained since high school. Six years ago I would have never in my wildest dreams imagine that I would be this overweight. I use to be so active, loved being outside, and loved going out and doing things. Now I hate to see people I use to know because I am ashamed of how I look.

About two weeks ago my brother Kyle told my mom that Jesse could set up a program for me to help me lose at least 40 pounds by March. This sounds like an amaze thing and I am done being heavy and I want to be healthy and happy. I want to be able to run again because it is something I use to love. And I am jealous of my friends who are able to run and have all the cute clothes that I so wish I could wear again.

So I will be meeting with Jesse sometime this week and see what is all going to be planned!!! I am extremely excited to see where this new adventure will go....Pictures to follow....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The first

I have blogged before back when using LJ(livejournal) was cool. I had to write for my comm 2 class and that was the easiest way to do so. A little about me. I am 24 years old and am turning 25 in just a short few weeks!! I am excited about this milestone, but I am nowhere near where I imagined I would be. I recently changed my major from Elementary Education to Event Management with a minor in Non-profit Organizations. I am super thrilled about this new adventure in my life and I cannot wait to see where it takes me.

I have decided to keep a blog, so that I can keep track of all my goals that I have set myself and let others see the journey that I am embarking on at this moment! I have big things planned for the future. Finishing school with an amazing degree, losing all this weight(which I will post all stuff that I am doing with that) and just my everyday life in general! Hopefully I will meet some cool people from this and if not oh well!! I am just along for the ride!!!